Category Archives: G-Land Daily Reports

‘Mantu Kucing’ Traditional Rainmaking Ceremonies in Grajagan

Mantu Kucing is a traditional ritual performed during the dry season in the hamlet Curahjati, Grajagan Village, District Purwoharjo, Banyuwangi. This ritual is performed by making a wedding ceremony for two cats like a human wedding ceremony.

This ritual began around the 1930s. At that time Curahjati stricken hamlet of persistent...

G-Land : Best Surf Spot in the World

G-Land is located in Grajagan Bay East Java, Indonesia. The world's best spots for surfing in the g-land. Why it worth? Indonesia is an archipelago where various volcanic energy ever falling into that form various steep coast in the sea. "I like g-land, in this place many surfers can surf the long...

“Petik Laut” A Unique Tradition In Grajagan Beach

A unique tradition in  Grajagan Beach Banyuwangi,  people called it Ritual Petik Laut. This tradition held once a year, exactly on 15 Syuro Javanese calendar or the Islamic calendar, Muharram 15.

The fishing communities in Muncar tirakatan and recitals held in a number of places of worship. At the peak of...