The road to G-Land

To be able to get to Plengkung beach or G-Land, you can choose the alternative route that is closest to your area.
Some path choices to choose from:


Landline is the path most used by local tourists. From the city of Banyuwangi you can take a bus to Karangente Terminal to Kalipait in Tegaldlimo District. From Kalipait the journey continues to Pasaranyar as far as taking a motorcycle taxi or renting a car. From Pasaranyar, the journey continues towards the Rowobendo Post within 10 km, which is the main gate of the Alas Purwo National Park.

From Rowobendo Posts
From Rowobendo it then goes to the Pancur Post as far as 5 km.

From Pancur Posts
Pos Pancur is the last stop before reaching Plengkung. In this post visitors must report themselves. From Pos Pancur the journey to the beach Plengkung is still as far as 9 km. So overall the distance from Banyuwangi to Plengkung is 85 km.

Arriving at Pos Pancur, visitors who come using private vehicles, both cars and motorcycles, may not enter.

The alternative is: walk for 2 hours, take a trail motor belonging to the Alas Purwo National Park, or rent a special vehicle to manage the area. Usually visitors choose to rent around 250 thousand cars (depending on the agreement) to be able to load 15 people.

Arriving at the gate of Plengkung beach, the journey is continued on foot for about 200 meters along the forest to the shoreline. Along the way to the beach, visitors will find several resorts, such as Bobby’s Camp.

For visitors who come from the direction of Jember via Gunung Gumitir, after reaching the Tenculuk T-junction, turn right toward Purwoharjo. From Purwoharjo then follow the directions to the direction of the Tourism Mangrove Bedul Alas Purwo National Park.

For those who use public transportation by using a bus from Jember, after arriving at the Benculuk T-junction, change to public transportation in Benculuk with Purwoharjo destination, then use a motorcycle taxi to tour the Mangrove Bedul TNAP.


For sea lane you can use a speedboat / fishing boat from Grajagan beach (40 km south of Banyuwangi to Grajagan Fishing Village), from Grajagan people's port if you take a speedboat (1 hour) or a fishing boat (2 hours) directly reach Plengkung Beach or G -Land.


From Banyuwangi to Benculuk (35km) take a bus or take other public transportation. From Benculuk to Grajagan (18 km) and from Grajakan to Plengkung with Speed Boat it takes 15 minutes.

For visitors who come from Bali, to reach the beach Plengkung can also use a speed boot directly from Bali which only takes two hours. The rate offered is 125 US dollars per person.


From the air route you can ride a helicopter, because it is in G-Land
There is also a helipad itself.

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