Category Archives: G-Land Daily Reports

G-Land: Banyuwangi Surfing Magnet

Located at the eastern end of East Java province, Banyuwangi has an important role as a "connecting bridge" between Java Island and Bali Island. Not surprisingly, the proximity of the existing location makes these two areas have similar traditions and arts.

Not limited to tradition and art alone, Banyuwangi also has tourism...

G-land Camp for Surfers

The uniqueness of the waves in the G-Land is a new wave breaks after 1 to 2 km from east to west with a height of 4-6 meters in interval 5 minutes. With these conditions make professional surfers can enjoy the roll of waves or "barrel" is longer and longer. It is...

Visit Jawatan Benculuk Banyuwangi

Jawatan Benculuk Banyuwangi, an old building formerly used for the management of Railway Transportation. Currently Jawatan Benculuk tourism has changed the function as a tourist attraction. Jawatan Benculuk other than functioned as a tourist place also functioned as a water absorption area and a quality teak stockpiles managed by Perhutani Banyuwangi.


G-land With 7 Rolls of Waves

A number of tourist attractions in Banyuwangi have an international reputation, three of which are famous for Ijen Crater, G-land or Plengkung Beach, and Sukamade Beach. This is also supported by the local government policy that carries the name "Triangel Diamond" or Triangle Berlian because the three attractions have unique tourist characteristics...