Monthly Archives: April 2010

G-Land on April 2nd 2010

G-Land must really be building up some pressure for a good swell and proper winds.  Today was the smallest day since my arrival about 1 week ago.  Surf was about 3 foot on the face, breaking only up at Kongs and the wind was once again onshore.  There wasn't much wave riding happening today at...

G-Land on April 1st 2010

G-Land looked more like it's normal dry-season character early this morning.  The stormfront passed over us yesterday and blue skies over Grajagan Bay burned my face up today.  It was looking promising that the remaining swell would be groomed by some offshore winds.  I've been missing that feeling of true G-Land. 9:30 and bad winds started...

G-Land on MARCH 31st 2010

G-Land stormed once again through the morning.  My thought on that is that the jungle is only going to get's already amazingly lush.  The surf conditions out front were pretty difficult to get inspired by since the wind direction was still out of the west and north, not ideal for G-Land. So, it was time...

Rising Up of G-Land

Dear Friends, We have an important announcement for those of you planning to book your next trip to G-land during the second week of June 2010. All of the camps in G-land have been completely booked out by Quiksilver from June 6 to 13. Please be advised that you will not be able to...