G-Land on April 2nd 2010

G-Land must really be building up some pressure for a good swell and proper winds.  Today was the smallest day since my arrival about 1 week ago.  Surf was about 3 foot on the face, breaking only up at Kongs and the wind was once again onshore.  There wasn't much wave riding happening today at G-Land.

But there's always something worthwhile to do here that makes non-surfing days enjoyable.  A nice blue trevally was caught on a line, one fillet for sashimi and the other for the frying pan.  Skin diving the reef's edge gave a few guys a clear view of the new coral colonies.  Nothing's quite like a little music jam on the guitar and drums when you're here in the jungle.  Walking up the point and washing out any unneccesary thoughts is a simple therapy for anyone.  Stretching will help out for when the pressure build-up finally releases.  And napping is a beautiful thing to do.

I need to get some more information, but just to let it be known if you haven't seen the banner on the home page, Bobby will be hosting a Quicksilver event from June 6th through the 13th.  It's not going to be a WCT or WQS event like in the past.  I'll be writing again about it soon.  So, for those of you considering coming over here during that window, unfortunately, the camp is booked out completely for the event.  Hopefully that doesn't affect any of you.

Until next time....MICHAEL

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