G-Land on April 1st 2010

G-Land looked more like it's normal dry-season character early this morning.  The stormfront passed over us yesterday and blue skies over Grajagan Bay burned my face up today.  It was looking promising that the remaining swell would be groomed by some offshore winds.  I've been missing that feeling of true G-Land.

9:30 and bad winds started showing its face.  I went for a paddle just to get out before anything ridiculously bumpy showed up.  In the end, it wasn't too bad at all and by the end of my session, I was able to ride a few fairly smooth-faced walls at Money Trees....the winds backed off instead.

Sets were still about 6-8 foot on the face at Money's and naturally a few over-sized one's came through.  But by the afternoon, the swell had dropped off and the onshore picked up pretty strong.  A few guys were still out until sunset, but I think just to enjoy being in the warm water.

Still hoping...staying positive...hope to be writing about some quality waves.


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