Monthly Archives: May 2009

May 2nd Saturday

G-Land Surf picked up alot today, solid 6ft pumping through money trees!! Barrel of the day goes to Aaron for a grinding thick long tube, while Daniel scored a high quota of sick tubes also, (more…)...

May 1st Friday

G-Land had some super fun Kongs waves through the afternoon. The surf was 3-4ft and really nice rides. It was a great warm up surf for my first day of this season as surf guide at Bobby's G-Land Surf Camp The water in the (more…)...

G-Land Hotspot | Prepaid Internet Card

Now in G-Land you can enjoy internet connection with hotspots available inside your room. [caption id="attachment_970" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="G-Land Hotspot Prepaid Internet Card"]G-Land Hotspot Prepaid Internet Card[/caption] (more…)...