Monthly Archives: May 2009

May 30th Saturday

G-Land had an early offshore wind this morning, so it was surfable all day along Money Trees. With a 3-4ft swell and occassional 5ft set, there certainly were waves to be had in the G-Land Surf. G-Land's famed Speedies (more…)...

G-Land Express Video

Now in official site G-Land Bobby's Surf Camp you can see the video about a journey trip to G-Land with G-Land Express, speed boat from G-Land Bobby's surf Camp. The trip is start from Kuta Reef Bali, across the strait Bali and until on G-Land within less than 2 hours. See more video about G-Land Express...

G-land Express Part 2

G-Land Express Part 2 | A trip to G-Land Bobby's Surf Camp from Kuta Reef Bali. This trip journey followed by nine people guest to surf in G-Land. Some of them came from Australia and Brazilia.