Category Archives: G-Land HOT News

Surf Spot at G-land

G-land or also called Plengkung beach is a surfing spot that is of interest to foreign tourists who want to surf with big waves and full of challenges. G-Land is located near lush and green tropical forests. G-land is located at a bay point called the grajagan point.46007530_2089910147726544_3739371134043291648_n

G-Land Mobile APP

Hi ! we have a good news for you, our G-Land Mobile APP is launch.

Now you can book a room and package from your Android smartphone, iOS version is launching soon. Try it now and make a reservation more easier, grab your smartphone,  select a package, make a reservation and you ready to surf...

where did name g-land come from?

photo_2018-09-18_10-16-33 (2) Behind the G-Land designation for Plengkung beach, it turns out that it has many versions.  The letter "G" in G-Land turns out to be an abbreviation of several things, namely:  
  1. The name g-land was taken from the word "Grajagan" which is the name of a...


  1. The tourists can reach G-Land by road trip from Banyuwangi Grajagan Village or rent a boat from Bali
  2. The first public camp was opened in the late 70's
  3. The G-Land waves on the east side of Grajagan are famous for being bigger because of the...