Category Archives: G-Land Daily Reports

Route to G-land Banyuwangi

The route of G-land or plengkung banyuwangi beach is to test the Adrenaline, if from Surabaya and Malang to the direction of the region ie Pasuruan - Probolinggo - Situbondo - Bondowoso - and Terhir banyuwangi, from banyuwangi proceed to Alas Purwo national park, when entering Alas Purwo the road to the beach...

G-land Banyuwangi

The roar of the waves at Plengkung Beach keeps many things from the beauty of the sea charm. The roll of the waves is almost endless, as if to tempt us to tread the foam. Yes, the typical froth and its small roar combined with the harmony of the sea breeze.


Interesting Activities at Plengkung Beach

Tourists who come to Plengkung generally do surfing activities. The surfers mostly come from Bali because the location of Plengkung Beach can be accessed directly from Kuta Beach Bali by speed boat. If you do not want to surf in Plengkung Beach or G-Land Banyuwangi, you can enjoy the beautiful panorama of the beach. White sand,...

G-Land for Adventure Lovers

Plengkung beach or known as G-Land because when viewed the whole region from above, this form of coastal clusters of islands form the letter G. Therefore, Plengkung Beach is also called g-land. But there is also the causal reason of naming this land g. On the other hand, it turns out that Plengkung Beach is close...