Category Archives: G-Land Daily Reports

Access to Alas Purwo National Park

Accessibility to Alas Purwo National Park can be reached from several big cities such as from Banyuwangi and Jember. While special to Plengkung can be reached by land or by sea from Grajagan and Bali. There are three alternative paths to Alas Purwo National Park, namely:

Through Rowobendo Door, the northern...

G-Land : Recommended Surfing Spot in the World

Plengkung Beach or in the International World called G-Land is located in the southern Banyuwangi area, G-land is a haven for professional surfers because the waves there are huge. Plengkung Beach is surrounded by an unspoiled tropical rain forest (pedestal purwo). Plengkung offers the most popular surfing sports by surfers and...

Indonesian Independence Day 2017 at G-land

For Indonesia, the moment of August 17th independence is not just about the flag ceremony. But also about exciting and fun exciting races. Various games are contested to keep the fighting spirit and also to tape the citizens to each other. The game also varies from games that are commonly known in the...

Banyuwangi : Paradise at the end of Java Island

Banyuwangi, one of the cities on the easternmost tip of East Java and Java is a transit city before you cross the Bali Strait and head for Bali Island. However, behind it all turns out that this city has places of interest that compulsory buddy calculate. Tours in Banyuwangi no less beautiful with...