Category Archives: G-Land Daily Reports

September 6th 2009

Bagus sekali (very good) wind was blowing this morning in G-Land. At dawn it was a perfect groomed light offshore, and as the morning went by the wind got up to a nice breeze and maintained a perfect direction. Mmmmmmmm yessssss...  Swell was still a nice size this morning, up till about 9am there was...

September 5th 2009

Thankfully I had an early night last night and had a big sleep, as when I walked down the beach to check the G-Land Surf just after 7am BOOYAAAHHH! I see a solid 8ft set hit the Pad, and I quickly shoot back to the restaurant and scoff down my breakfast. I didn't even realise...

September 4th 2009

G-Land Bobby's Surf Camp just had 45 guests arrive this morning bringing the total too 70 people in camp! Wow, the August recession has just finished and now we're back to normal numbers. Although the other camps have low numbers so the crowds are not too bad. G-Land Surf was 3-5ft all day long, with an...

September 3rd 2009

Much nicer conditions today, the wind still not co-operating totally, yet it was a nice clean glassy morning, with a light sideshore late morning, and then light offshore all afternoon, making for some fun 3-4ft waves. Could be the last day of uncrowdedness though, with a big group of people coming tomorrow to G-Land Bobby's...