Monthly Archives: July 2009

G-Land Today

G-Land Today..., you can see on G-Land Tide Chart in July 2009 - Saturday, 04th o see on G-Land Daily Surf Forecast. G-Land today is a (more…)...

G-Land Daily Reports

For G-land or reader, we sory that the specials categories for reporting about G-Land daily is now still standby because the surfer Jarred Hancox now still in Bali because there are several matters. But you that G-Land now still beauty, and very (more…)...

G-Land Express Part 5

G-Land Express Part 5 | A trip to G-Land Bobby's Surf Camp from Kuta Reef Bali. This trip journey followed by nine people guest to surf in G-Land. Some of them came from Australia and Brazilia.