Transportation to G-Land

You have two options for transport from Bali to G-Land :

Option One, Overland (included in the package price)
Your trip to G-Land departs from Bali in the evening. A comfortable air conditioned mini-bus will pick you up and take you to the East Javanese fishing village of Grajagan; arrival is typically around sunrise. From Grajagan you will travel by speed boat across Grajagan Bay to Bobby's Surf Camp at G-Land.

Option Two, Speed Boat (not included in the package, sold separately). Your trip to G-Land departs from Kuta Beach in Kuta in the early morning. Bobby's 12.9 meter Speed Boat is equipped with (3) 200 HP outboard engines. Full marine electronics, an on-board toilet, comfortable seating, cold juices, hot coffe and snacks. You will cross the Bali Straights in confort and style in less than 2 hours and arrive at Bobby's Surf Camp at G-Land in 2 hours, refreshed and ready to surf.

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