September 8th 2009

Guess I woke up on the wrong side of my bed today, as all day I just didn't feel my usual G-Land magic. Coupled with higher expectations of the wave quality, I came in from the G-Land Surf rather deflated and feeling let down.

The swell was coming down the reef better than yesterday, at a solid 6-8ft, but it was mostly just big fat burgers (that I caught anyway), and the barrels I pulled into all clamped. It was wobbly and weird, I'd give the Money Trees a D- rating today for sure. Plus there was a bit of a frothing crew on the main peak, an annoying current, and it just seemed a waste of paddle battling for what it was. It was even offshore winds, but it didn't help much. Must be some funky weather systems in between the lows and the swells destinations.

Later I drove my motorcross bike to 20/20s which was 1-2ft and not that appealing, and then Tigertracks which had got far too low, and the outside low tide right was either closing out or fat, plus I looked at some places further into the bay which had absolutely nothing of interest for a surfer.

Apparently all morning Tigertracks had 20-30 people on the one righthander! As there was plenty of good surfers on it as well, it sounds like that would have sucked. OK so I was a bit pessimistic today, some people had the most amazing day of their surfing life today by the sounds of it, but we all have our good and bad days hahaha

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