September 4th 2011

G-Land Bobby's Surf Camp finally expanded to some high numbers that we haven't seen since July. 65 people in camp after transfer today, with at least 40 new guys coming in today. All seem a good mellow crew and I can't the line-up crowds being to much of an issue. The other camps are no where near as full.

A new swell from the SW began to come through this morning, by 10am it was 4-5ft, and then after 3pm there was a few 4-6ft sets. Surprisingly there were sets going all the way down Money Trees despite the west forecast in the angle. Probably the best time today was 1pm - 3pm, there was a few good barrels ridden then, the tide was the highest early afternoon at a 1.9m @ 1pm. Overall not an epic day by my standards, the swell was still trying to find some true form, and the wind was fairly SSE. But then again I didn't get any great waves. I did SEE a few guys get some nice barrels!

Was going to surf again late in the day, but got up the point in my gears and decided against it, and did some yoga instead. Big west sets breaking up Kongs and Fan Palms creating sweep, and not really any good barrels.

Water was still cold. Michael came in today, cleverly bringing a short-arm steamer with him.

I was trying the gopro mounted to a FCS plug behind my tailpad. Didn't quite get the waves i was looking for, and heaps of spray hit the lens... not great success

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