September 2nd 2011

G-Land didn't have a whole lot of amazing things to report today my avid readers. To our benefit the swell didn't drop too much, these 'flat' days are still 3-4ft... when the sets come they are easy head high and a little bit bigger even, mostly up at the Kongs area. Offshore wind kicked in mid morning as it does on a typical dry season day.

Early afternoon I went to check Tigertracks again (board with me of course). It appeared a bit smaller than yesterday, but once I paddled out it was easy 2ft on the sets, and I got heaps of fun shaped waves, nearly the whole surf to myself again. Dave McGill, his wife and daughter Maya were down there along with their friends Julien and his partner too. They'd been hanging down there right through the noon high tide. Julien and Dave's wife came out and joined me after I had it to myself for 20 waves. Then they all bailed on Blacky's boat back to camp, and I finished off my surf solo.

Another guest, Dennis from the Gold Coast, said he got some great waves later in the arvo up at Kongs. A few 4ft sets came through to him too.


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