September 1st 2011

G-Land Bobby's Surf Camp had roughly the same people going as leaving this morning, and the camp still is sitting at a low number of 37 guests. The waves surprised me by picking up today! Solid 4ft sets, and even the odd slightly bigger one. Waves coming right down Money Trees on the higher tide, but mid-low tide was all Kongs, Fan Palm and Ledge area. Never quite enough push in the swell for decent Ledge however. A nice offshore wind blew from about 9am onwards.

Early afternoon I shot down to Tigertracks on my moto-x bike for a surf check (with my surfboard of course). Only Blacky and one female guest from our camp were out and there looked like some super fun clean 2ft sets. By the time I went to paddle out they bailed, and I surfed alone for an hour in perfect conditions for myself. Especially since my shoulders were not keen for long paddles.

So the next 2 days perhaps will be the small days? Hard to say. But I know we get some proper solid swell again starting on the 4th, and then again a few days later.

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