September 16th 2009

Happy 60th Birthday Charlie Q!! As I write this at the G-Land Bobby's Surf Camp restaurant round table, Charlie is sitting next to me eating a slice of his delicious birthday cake he received from the staff here with a traditional birthday celebration. Charlie caught some nice waves in his G-Land Surf Session in the 4-5ft range, not many people out, and clean conditions.

G-Land has had a bit of extra rain lately, as well as Bali, so mosquito's are slowly starting to increase in numbers. So its good to bring plenty of Off spray to stop the annoying little f*#$ers biting you.

After I orientated the new guests that arrived today, I just cruised, and had a fun surf at mini-Tigertracks late in the day. Driving back on the last leg I slid my motorcross bike out and had a lil crash in the mud, got a small burn on my leg from the bike landing on me. Luckily that was it! No other bodily damage.

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