October 31st 2009

It's slowly happening and I'm slowly becoming more excited about it.  For Bobby, it's not the best thing to have a thinning guest-list, but I'm sure he's beyond stressing about this considering it happens every year at this time.  We're down to 4 tables at dinner time.  Raymond is done for the season and Joyo needs fewer tables than us.  Somehow, deep within me I know you're not buying airline tickets, so I'm comfortable divulging this.

I hope to be writing a story about an epic G-Land day.  Won't be from today.  In fact, I hope this "the westerly wind-flow never came" phrase won't be lulling around much longer.  What I do feel positive about communicating is that today picked up to solid 8 to 10 foot faces (4 to 5 foot for those of you that focus on the backs).  People were surfing and happy about it.

My intention to get a late afternoon G-Land Surf at Fang considering the swell's direction and size never materialized. There were some solid, powerful peaks focusing their energy right there, BUT that's a pretty critical part of the reef to be gliding above when one of those heavy-lipped sections, supposing to be hollow ends up being hammers to the head.  Pupukea Cole showed up today and I thoroughly enjoyed watching him take on the challenge.  He almost got me out there, but I was too comfortable watching.

Other things worthy of a mention from in and around Bobby's G-Land Surf Camp are:  I saw the largest male deer yet, a young one from the antler size, so he'll be massive later in life; Jeanette cooked up some delicious Creole octopus for dinner; and there's more Dutch here than everyone else put together.

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