October 26th 2009

Walking through the corridor between the dining area and the beach was emotional early this morning.  The thunder generated by the reef bounce was powerful.  I was instantly shocked out of my normal morning old-man pace and into another cellular orbit.  It was a nice reminder to harness that power more voluntarily.

BUT...there was a different reason why the surf was so loud.  With a beautiful stretch of offshores comes the onshores.  Massive clouds hung above Grajagan Bay and they did what clouds are meant to do.  And so my high denatured back to its natural blood constitution way too rapidly.

Zigs and zags, twists and turns, and wraps of a growing vine have to be accepted.  NATURALLY.   So, in the end, it's way better to put a positive thought into the moment.  "I'm going to the caves!"  Gathered a few guests, a few staff, and got ready to go right after lunch.  "So-ree Narjee, cannot take truck, have problem with mesin (engine)."  I told the guests...WE NO GO.  We all raised our shoulders, shared thoughts of "hopefully another time" and that was it.

2:00 P.M. and another zig...or maybe it was a zag.  Blue skies started to dominate above the bay, a few gusts on my back, and there were waves...although I couldn't really hear them! Had a fun surf.  Not too many waves but a few long ones that made me aware of my legs.  Everyone was in the water and everyone spread out from Money Trees to Upper Kongs. That is a great paddle.  Just ate fish and salad...just about to have a gudang!

Coming to you from Bobby's G-Land Surf Camp...G-Land Surf...or G-Land.

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