G-LAND ... transport day today and while the new guests walked in, ate, got situated, and patiently waited for their boards because a fallen tree blocked their passage at Tigertracks, I was slowly starting to build some hypertension. NOT COMMON! This was one of the best mornings and I felt bad for them so I hung to make sure...well...I hung. The boards made it and we went for a surf.
Offshore early early morning...I mean plumes loading up the lower atmosphere from Inside Launching Pad sets at 6:00 A.M.. Got out a little after the tide turned and with a 1.9 meter high draining back out into the bay, there wasn't more than about 1 hour of quality waves. Two swells reverberating off each other...220 degrees and 211degrees...making the end section really fast and heavy. Basically a ride full of hope that you'll be let out by the greater power that may be.
But the draining tide sucked the focus right on up to Money Trees and it was real nice. A little bigger than yesterday, but basically double overhead on the good sets. But not as clean, hollow, and makeable like yesterday. Fan Palms and Kongs were on all day, pulling in larger sized sets and quite long rides. Two stories came to me today of such...one from Money's proper all the way to the boat channel (but that's dubious...however it's possible)...the other from middle Kongs into and through Money's (easier for me to believe considering the swell today). I was fortuante today as well...got one from the Fang to 20/20's!!!