November 17th 2010

G-LAND ... another pulse of swell arrived today, lifting up the size back up to about 8-10 foot faces.  Seemed to be coming from the same direction since the reef was breaking like it has been the past 3 days.  Now that I've just solidified that is the 4th day straight of waves.  Not abnormal for here, but considering the past 2 weeks, it's significant.

Winds were real nice today, blowing a little stronger than the recent past and holding open just a little bit more.  Inside Launching Pad and Upper Speedies were once again the better spots to sit on.  Money's had a few real long waves setting up, but definitely better to sit on the Fang rather than gambling on Money's peak cause a lot of them would wall up and close out right up to the Fang.  But I gamble.  Got two leg-beating long ones too.

A few reports of guys surfing Kongs seemed like it was fun up there.  I was watching a few sets come through Fan Palms and they were peeling off real clean and evenly, but no need to sneak off up there since there's not many surfer's here in the jungle AT ALL!!!


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