June 5th Thursday

G-Land nearly tricked me today. With an onshore breeze making things a bit average through the morning, I figured I'd wait till the afternoon. The surf seemed about 3-5ft. Before and after lunch I spent alot of time watching the surf, and I could have sworn the swell had died. I gave up on the surf for the day and decided to go to the movie room. As I walk off I turn around to see Dave Davidson paddle into a smoking 5ft set and get a huge tube through the Fang! Him and Buzz ended up going blow for blow getting some hell barrels. So I just had to go surfing!

Beginning off the surf Fabio and I shared some nice 4ft waves on the Ledge, the offshore had kicked in, and we had a ball while the crowd were all at Low Tide Money Trees. Towards the end of the afternoon I drifted down the reef and had some fun long walls.

It was a good buffet night at G-Land Bobby's Surf Camp tonight, with plenty of beer drunk and half the camp made a super table about 30 feet long! Then birthday boy Keith from Wales celebrated his birthday with a big old traditional staff special treatment with amazing cake and arak drink. Then later in the evening a bunch of guests had a music concert with random songs being sung and instruments being played. It was aentertaining evening for all.

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