July 27th 2010

G-Land had a medium sized crew come in today and for the majority of them it was their first time ever here. So I was busy with orientation tours for the new guests in the morning. The waves that greeted them were sheet glass 3-4fters coming in at random points on the reef. The trade wind quickly came in and groomed the line-up making fun enough waves for them. My friend Kahn from Taranaki reported sitting more down towards Speedies and getting really fun walls there.

After my low-tide shack session yesterday at the Ledge I wasn’t feeling to enthused on the reduced size main break, so I went down to Tigertracks with Clifford & Timmo from South Africa, Sammy from Taranaki, Blacky and Bob from Murrimbula. Now theres a word that ain’t too easy to roll off the tongue first pop. Southern NSW Murrimbula long time local Bob comes here each year with his son Michael. Bob, the Silver Surfer, just turned 60 here last week, and I was impressed with his backhand attack on the 2ft rights at Tigers. The waves were absolutely flawless for a brief window there. 2ft and breaking really perfectly with a light offshore. Bob was loving it, it really made his day. Sammy had a ball on the lefts which she surfed alone.

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