July 23rd Thursday

G-Land was under the spell of some weird weather pattern today. A light drizzle fell most of the morning until about 10am, and not once in the day did a tradewind kick in. It would occassionally glassy, and often a light sideshore breeze. The swell had dropped from yesterday afternoon, and it was mostly 4-6ft all day in the G-Land Surf.

G-Land was a bit of a circus through the high tide, with so many people on Launching Pads and Speedies, only a few people actually got good waves. I paddled out early and beat the crowd to it, and got a few nice tubes through Speedies, but as the tide filled in the good waves were not so plenty, and the crowd was full on.

Only a handful of people surfed the afternoon low tide, it wasn't all that great, plenty of swell coming through though, some solid 4-6fters still. I tried to surf the Bombie at low tide, but ended up sitting way out to sea for 40 minutes and copped a big 8-10ft set on the head, and that was about the length of my Bombie experience! Maybe another day..

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