July 13th 2011

G-Land Surf was looking pretty similar to yesterday, no bigger than how big it got yesterday arvo, but the offshore wind was already up when I checked about 8am. 3-4ft sets coming through up at Kongs and Fan Palm mostly - the swell is pretty west and is forecast to be pretty west for the rest of the week. No big swells on the charts, so thats perfect having the west direction to keep these sized swells breaking up the reef further without closing out so easily.

By the afternoon the surf had dropped a lil bit, the tide was quite low all afternoon too. Still some fun ones up the reef though. Didn't make it out myself, think I had 2 or 3 naps today and did nothing to strenuous. The effects of dehydration still present, but feeling a lot better than yesterday - last night before i went to bed I thought I might have Denghi fever from Bali or something, my bones were aching even. So today very thankful that I felt considerably better.

Crowds were pretty spread out today because of such and early offshore so I didn't hear any reports of throngs of people. Tomorrow looks like the surf will be bigger...

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