August 31st 2012

G-LAND ...   This would be the first day i could easily call it "not offshore."  The past 2 days were not really proper offshore throughout the day, but they definitely weren't onshore.  That's what today was.  But it was still surfable and fun enough to enjoy sets that were coming through Moneytrees and Inside Launching Pad/Upper Speedies.  So even with "bad winds"  it wasn't bad surf.  Sets were about 8-10 foot at the biggest and consistent enough to keep it fun.  The onshore's were light and just enough to through some bumps into the face and crumble sections that a couple brothers from Kauai were launching off of.  I'd seen probably the smooth aerial ever, just as if the wave face was another 2 foot above where it was actually at and he followed a fluid continuous arc off the lip, through the air, and reconnected without a slap or flailing arms.  Pretty cool to see since most of the times airs are pretty choppy looking.

And the water has begun to warm up.  The temps were still a little mixed up, Launching Pad area chilled but actually comfortably warm up at Fan Palms.  It's done this about 5 or 6 times this season where it's gone back and forth...warm spots in chilled water   or   cold spots in warm water.  It's September and hopefully time to get back into the tropical feeling of things!!!


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