August 30th 2009

G-Land Surf had an offshore blowing from early morning, yet the waves were pretty custard until after lunch. Swell was there, some 3-4ft sets, which lulled right out late morning on the low tide for a good hour, then later in the afternoon the waves got fairly good through Money Trees, and there were some 3-5ft sets coming through.

G-Land was kinda average when I surfed Kongs at low tide, so later towards dark I went to Tigertracks which was really shallow but had some fun 2-3ft waves to practice my backhand attack on.

G-Land Bobby's Surf Camp served up my favorite meal of them all tonight! So stoked. Mexican Enchiladeas with Black Beans, Mexican Rice, and finished off with a pancake. I didn't drink any Bintang tonight, instead water and then Coca Cola during the movie after dinner. I couldn't have drank beer after that huge meal, I was so full!

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