August 15-16 2012

G-LAND ...   Like a mexican jumping bean that just got turned on by a flame, the swell jumped right up off the day before.  No signs of it at the end of the 14th, but come daybreak on the 15th and the rising sun set off the bean.  10-12 foot faces and it was a great looking swell, lining up the reef really nicely and not really sectioning at all.  Just peeling cleanly and plenty of hollow waves to hide out in at the Ledge, Moneytrees, and  short-lived sessions at upper Speedies on the higher tide.

So we're getting the camp ready for Hari Merdekaan (Independence Day).   Tomorrow there's some competition antics that'll play out but we'll see how it goes cause there's a forecast for a little bump from 200 degrees and we got the tides for a possible fun Speedies session.  A paddle race, pole climbing, sack races, a few random one's, and a dance off during the Gandrung Party to finish it off.   Should be fun...everyone's gonna be sideways since every comp has 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes that all involve crates of Bintangs.   Selamat Malam...



Anticipating Independence Day--August 17th

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