G-Land stormed last night again. A powerful rain squall came through from the west and released a massive amount of water. The jungle is staying green and probably will be that way for awhile.
G-Land surf conditions this morning were positive. The swell was still coming in from about 210 degrees and focusing 6-10 foot face sets from Kongs through upper Money Trees. What was a good surprise was the wind was not really blowing until about 11:00. And it really didn't get destroyingly strong until 2:00. So we had some nice waves...smooth faces and decent length rides. The late afternoon-sunset conditions left almost everyone hanging on the beach, relaxing on the bale's and watching Molly go berserk.
I'm looking forward to the day when some nice, hollow waves come to us. I find myself getting really positive at the end of each day, curious to see what the next day will be like. Hope all's going well wherever you're at. Everyone here seems to be positive and happy with what's happening at Plengkung.