G-LAND ... November 19th 2010...

I watched Craig and Anebal surf Money's at midday again...sharing their last session to themselves.  The other camp's guests left in the morning and the duo were wise to set up an afternoon transport back to Bali.  They...well WE...have been real stoked with what we've be getting these past 6 days.  The conditions have been nothing less than "very memorable."

Surf was happening again today.  A little smaller than yesterday, maybe about 8 foot faces, as it continued to back off from this past sunset. Beautiful winds, quite warm water that was noticeably clear (almost distractingly), and clear skies.

As we said "until next time," watching them walk down the track to the boat channel, I walked...almost floated... into the lagoon intensely aware that I would be surfing alone.   And in the nature of fresh surprises, I got to share the lineup with one single dolphin, who on one particular wave at Money's, glided down towards me at the Inside Pad for over 150 yards!!!

Until Next Time...


a view easily mesmerized by

adventure to "the other side" -- the 23rd of April

Club Bobby's ... April 28 2010

Blacky and Frodo are always the last to sleep!!!

a very well known view

it is a good thing to experience a little bit more than what's right in front of us

i can never be one of the lucky one's to receive this presentation

one of the strongest single-cylinder diesel engines in the southern hemisphere

for a reference of perspective...that's the red mooring bouy in front of the camp

P3K - pertolongan pertama pada kecelakan or first aid post. undoubtedly coming together...

i was just getting ready to leave! pretty positive that this one is REAL poisonous

yep...it's rained a lot this "dry season"

Anebal and Craig...the last of the last, getting ready to roll. THANKS for the comedy guys!!!

the iconic admiral of the lagoon...The Great Heron!!!


hope it's been enjoyable!

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