Category Archives: G-Land HOT News

Thanks AquaLung

Our Good Friend Cole Doeh from O'ahu brought us some real nice gear from his company Aqualung at the end of last season.  Sorry Cole for lagging so so long to post up the thank you...but THANK YOU VERY MUCH Cole brought us three complete sets of masks, breathing tubes, and fins.  Fabio and I...

G-Land Memories in 1984

G-Land have a lot of memories from many surfer in 1984, because the location is very difficult to achieve, the real natural situation near from the large Forest, Alas Purwo National Park. G-Land Memories in 1984 taken from one camera that has legendary surfer, so you can see the memories at this site everywhere, everytime, everyday,,,...

Michelle Gallagher Escobar’s Visit To G-Land 2010

G-Land News - Many thanks for Michelle Gallagher Escobar's and family for visit to a small place at Indonesia (G-Land),,, wish you all the best... This is the historycal from Michelle Gallagher Escobar's and family at G-Land: G-Land G-land office in Kuta, before our trip to G-land Grajagan Our arrival in Grajagan fishing...

G-Land – GERHARD THILL Birthday on April 14th 2011

G-Land - GERHARD THILL Birthday on April 14th 2011 at G-Land Bobby's Surf Camp. This is a special momment for Surfer Gerhard Thill, because her birthday performed on G-Land with many people surfer. This memorial photo from Birthday Gerhard Thill on April 14th 2011 at G-Land. Puma Birthday Gerhard... 				</div>
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