Category Archives: G-Land HOT News

Tai Graham Bests the Field at Massive G-Land

7 September 2012 at the 2nd annual Put Up or Shut Up/Source in G-Land to the Sea One-Day Surf Tournament presented by Coca-Cola Indonesian Surfing Championships and SurfTime magazine yesterday in massive 8-12 foot waves, Australia's Tai Graham put on a committed and exemplary performance to receive the honor of being declared the best surfer...

2nd Annual Surftime Magazine Put Up or Shut Up Contest

G-LAND   ...

they arrived on a Special Trip 1 day before the foretasted swell should peak plenty of buzz from lips talking prophetic stories, it would be destruction of  inflated proportions outta their lips and into the auditory canals of their captives it poured "mate that's gonna be ridiculous" i heard but didn't think, just ingnored anyways sometimes...

The Coca-Cola Indonesian Surfing Championships

The Coca-Cola Indonesian Surfing Championships and Surftime Magazine are very excited to announce the date and location of the most no holds barred, charge every wave like it's the last one on earth, go deeper and stay in longer, one day free surfing tournament ever...

G-Land Classic

Very nice pic, G-Land old and classic. Still natural and very quiet. This taken with old camera, not so good but it became so valuable as a very special moment. G-land is very important if you like surfing......