Category Archives: G-Land Daily Reports

Daily Report Forecast at G-Land Waves on 18th Januari 2020

Current Surf Report For G-Land : Primary Swell 3ft at 14s Secondary Swell 3ft at 11s The temperature of the air is 29°c and the Sea 29°c Forecasts at G-Land waves Low :
  1. at time 08:49AM, Height 1.09m
  2. at time 10:28PM, Height 2.09m
Hight :
  1. at time 02:21 AM, Height 1.87m
  2. at time 03:53PM, Height 2.09m
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New Report Forecast Today On 10th Januari 2020

Current Surf report for G-Land : Primary Swell 4ft at 13s Secondary Swell3.5ft at 9s The temperature of the Air is 28°c and the Sea 30°c Forecast at G-Land waves : Low :
  1. at time 03:05AM, Height 0.78 meter
  2. at time 02:53PM, Height 1.08 meters
Hight :
  1. at time 09:15AM, Height 2.1 meters
  2. at time 09:04PM, Height 2.47 meters

Daily Report Forecast at G-Land Waves on 7th Januari 2020

WhatsApp Image 2020-01-07 at 09.52.47           G-Land daily report forecast on 7th Januari 2020 : Primary Swell 4.5ft at 10s Secondary Swell 3ft at 10s. weather conditions in the air and in the sea today : In the air  28°c and the sea  29°c. Forecast at G-Land waves : Low :
  1. at time01:12AM, Height 1.2m
  2. at...