Category Archives: G-Land Daily Reports

August 17th 2009

G-Land still had a fair amount of swell still showing this morning. I was up at 5:30am, and jumped on my MotoX bike and shot down to Tigertracks for a quick surf, as I was soon to get on the fast boat back to Bali, to prepare for the Canggu contest tomorrow morning. Tiger's was...

August 16th 2009

G-Land still had macking sets this morning, but we could see this morning that it was a little tamer. Solid 6-8ft sets were through the day, with the odd 10ft set sneaking its way in as well! I had a surf at 20/20's at lunch time on the low tide, (more…)...

August 15th 2009

G-Land had a thick mist over the line-up for the first few hours of the morning, and while it sounded big and loud, I could not quite tell. Once the fog lifted mid morning I realised it was perhaps the biggest swell I've seen here since 2007! Too big for here today really. It was...

August 14th 2009

G-Land Bobby's Surf Camp had a pretty even turnover today, about 20 left and 20 came, alot of people first time here, so my Orientation Tour was well attended later in the morning. G-Land Surf was 3-4ft early (more…)...