G-Land Weather Forecast on Saturday, June 4th 2016
Swell around 6-9 feet, 9 mph offshore SE.
Primary Swell 7.5 ft at 15 s.
High 2.53 m at 8:27 AM
Low 0.73 m at 2:58 PM
The temperature of the Air is 29°c and the Sea 30°c....
G-Land Weather Forecast on Monday, May 30th 2016
Swell around 2-11 feet, 8 mph offshore SE.
Primary Swell 9.5 ft at 17 s.
High 1.87 m at 3:32 PM
Low 1.41 m at 9:51 AM
The temperature of the Air is 30°c and the Sea 29°c....
G-Land Weather Forecast on Saturday, May 28th 2016
Swell around 2-4 feet.
Primary Swell 6 ft at 14 s.
Secondary Swell 1.7 ft at 17 s.
High 2.06 m at 12:51 PM
Low 1.35 m at 06:57 AM
Wind Swell 3 ft at 5 s.
The temperature of the Air is 29°c and the Sea 29°c....