Recent Posts by Dave Thomas

august 16 2013

_MG_9630 _MG_9640 _MG_9902                     The swell arrived this afternoon coming in at 3-5ft.  Clean swell at Money Trees on the afternoon high tide push... Tomorrow looking tho be even...

august 15 2013

Today the waves are small 2-3ft at Kongs ,but not to worry the swell is on the way...tomorrow we should see a rise in size.  The winds are good sold trade winds starting at 9A.M....

Augusst 15 2013

_MG_9148 _MG_9343 _MG_9464                           The waves held at 4-6ft all day with the trade winds starting at 8A.M.good waves to be had all day long.............

august 14 2013

The waves have dropped off today.  We are waiting for the new swell tomorrow.... @-3ft waves at Kongs with good winds starting a 8 A.M....

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