Recent Posts by brett

23rd May 2010

March 23rd 2010 G-Land still hasn't picked up. Kimbo and I went through some of the first aid gear he has left here for the camp and taught a few of the lifeguards some different techniques on spinal and broken leg injuries. We have alot of great gear thanks to him! The first aid clinic is...

May 22nd 2010

March 22nd 2010 G-Land didn't give me too much to write about today. We had a big changeover with 35 people in the camp  now. The waves were very glassy and about 3 ft on the sets. Again it was very inconsistent. There is a bit of cloud around and we had a light sprinkle of rain. The...

May 21st 2010

May 21st 2010 G-Land was very inconsistent today, paddled out Kongs for a while and got some really fun ones. A guy I was surfing with seen a small white tip shark and I seen a small tiger shark so we were staying close together. There was alot of fish out there and birds feeding so...

May 20th 2010

May 20th 2010 G-Land was pulsing early on the sets this morning. The wind wasn't right til 10:00am but earlier there were sets easy double overhead and the direction seemed really good because even with the onshore the wave looked makeable all the way through. It looked bigger than yesterday and a few of the guests...

Recent Comments by brett