G-LAND ... It's been looking real fun ever since i've been in. Early this morning, watching the surf on such a crisp clean start to the day, i was amazed how empty the line-up was. Transport day and the guys taking off should've been out there. One of those real beautiful looking mornings that don't happen that often. Sets pulsing in regularly into Fan Palm and looking about double over head.
But that was it. Strangely, and that's the way it can be, by around 9 o'clock it was about 8 foot faces and stayed around that height for the rest of the day. But it also stayed real clean and crisp. Offshore's blowing and enough push in the swell for it to stay hollow. Not too much happening downreef from Upper Moneytrees...Fan Palms looked like the best section to be hanging around.
Lot's of snake sightings in camp lately. Hasn't rained for awhile now, but they're out and about. An it's always the same culprit, the green snake we see out here about 99% of the time. Most everyone thinks it the green tree pit viper, but it's the long green one here that's not venomous. The long-nosed whiptail or green vine snake is not a threat to us. But it's always good to assume they're all poisonous!!!