G-LAND ... I didn't surf since the tropical malaise finally sank into me, but I watched it plenty from the bale bengong in front and it was a fun park for sure. Money Trees wasn't very consistent, but enough overhead waves (6-8 foot faces) with real clean faces and nice little tubes to make any session a "feelgood." From what I could see, looked like 15-20 people was max crowd...not too bad at all considering what it has been. I woke up with the thought "save some energy today and rest" but every time a set would come through, my legs wanted to move on their own. It had really nice form on it for the size.
And upreef at Fan Palms and Kongs, people were filling up on their own solo experience of "40 minutes to themselves." I don't know how that works if many people share the same story...like there's not enough space and time for that many to get it like that...but GREAT!
Still well overhead on the sets and the wind was more E than S, so none of that side bump pushing down the reef. Easy to see Fan Palms from the camp and a few guys (or maybe girls since there's more than ever out here) were laying over some nice carves.
Maybe I should have surfed today since everyone seemed to share the same feeling that their surfs were pleasant. The past few days have been a little too loaded up with bad etiquette, so it was nice to hear that the surfer's were being...well...more of a surfer!