August 10th 2010

G-Land, on the south eastern tip of Java, a direct link to the power of the Indian Ocean, untampered, the Java Trench not far from land, swells pulsing directly onto the point... Just a thought I had whilst I was surfing 2-3ft Tigertracks 5km down the point with fun hot dog rights.

However, further up the point there was another story again. Money Tree, Fang, Hoop Throwers, Inside Launching Pads, whatever you want to call that area of reef, had some hollow tubes running along it during the 2.3m high tide this morning. A weird day of swell, looking solid 5ft sets early, then mid morning kinda smaller 3-4ft, then late morning back to 4-6ft, and all afternoon was plenty of 4-6ft sets too. A strong Easterly tradewind was blowing slightly up the face making for a bit bumpy conditions.

Probably the best waves I seen were the hour before dark when the wind eased off, and the 0.2m tide turned and came up a slither to allow the Money Trees section to start firing around 5pm. The handful of guys out were a lucky bunch.

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