G-Land...again...got drenched by the clouds. The early morning was fairly calm, just a light onshore, but another rain squall came through at about 10:00 and gave us a thorough soaking. Surf was OK. The rain kept the wind speed down and so the wave face's stayed clean enough to let a few guys get some decent length rides. Only a few were lining up.
Surf was about 6-8 foot faces focusing on Fan Palm and Ledge/Money's. Not much else happening anywhere else on the reef. 222 degrees! The surf stayed consistent through the day, but the session during the rain squall was the best. Sitting out in the water and looking back at the land is beautiful right now. All the rain can be challenging to endure, but the jungle is amazingly green!
First suture job today. Puma threaded 6 stitches into the palm of an unfortunate guest. Being maybe a little to excited to go spearfishing, Jeremy leveled himself when he stepped off the beach and onto the reef. That fringe area is so slick, in fact many places on the reef are really slick right now. There's always something to be aware of here at G-Land...