June 29th Monday

This morning was a little bit bigger at G-Land, some solid 4-5ft sets occassionally rolling through. The tradewind once again was blowing strong by 7 or 8am! Great waves all day, and many good barrel rides.

There were plenty of good waves through Money Trees, and by the afternoon the swell picked up a bit more with some solid 5-6ft sets coming through for all to revel in during the early afternoon high tide G-Land Surf.

Maz Quinn was getting many great waves all day, absolutely smashing the bejesus out of the pockets and getting some mean as barrels. Its easy to see why he is New Zealands best surfer! Californian soulman Micheal got a crazy long barrel from the Ledge right through to mid Money Trees also. A very nice day in G-Land once again!

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