Route to G-land Banyuwangi

The route of G-land or plengkung banyuwangi beach is to test the Adrenaline, if from Surabaya and Malang to the direction of the region ie Pasuruan - Probolinggo - Situbondo - Bondowoso - and Terhir banyuwangi, from banyuwangi proceed to Alas Purwo national park, when entering Alas Purwo the road to the beach has not been asphalted and will rain if rainy season. In addition Alas Purwo also save the wild animal habitat eg, Banteng, Javan rhinoceros, Java Tiger. Once we got in at the entrance Alas Purwo we are enjoined to report and pay an administration fee set by the National Park Alas Purwo.

After passing through the entrance of Alas Purwo we will see the sign above in the middle of the journey to G-Land Beach Banyuwangi, which indicates that the gathering place of wild animals residents Alas Purwo. After passing a long journey we will be greeted with a signpost on the sign that we arrived at the beach area Pancur Alas Purwo, Kab. Banyuwangi - East Java. We can stop to enjoy the beauty of Pancur Beach before continuing the journey again about 9 KM to Plengkung Beach. And also we can see Goa Istana where people meditate about 2 KM distance from Pancur Alas Purwo Beach with walking access. Once satisfied to enjoy Pancur Beach and Goa Istana Alas Purwo, Kab. Banyuwangi - East Java, we will continue our journey to G-land | Plengkung is 9 KM from Pancur Beach. The journey must use a vehicle that has been provided by the manager, it means we have to rent a vehicle for Rp. 250.000 / entourage. Type of vehicle will be adjusted by the number of entourage if the group will use a lot of cars Pick Up, and if the group ranges between 5 people then the car in use Jeep.

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